Thomas Dybdahl - Parte II

Lembram-se de falar aqui deste moço? Pois bem, o rapazito, nascido na Noruega, tem apenas vinte e cinco aninhos, um grammy já no bolso, e um punhado de canções absolutamente irresistíveis.
Este último àlbum, That Great October Sound, vai ocupar os meus ouvidos durante muitos meses.
Para já, e como de costume, deixo aqui as palavras do senhor, como amostra do que vem com o pacote completo. Lindo!
From Grace
It seems I have a weakness
I didn't know about, till the day it rained
and it seems my weakness has been bulging, has been forcing its way
it seems I have a weakness I didn't know about,
till the day it rained
and it seems my weakness will become my final stage
and it's here that I'll give, yeah I'll give you all my love
and it's here that I'll give, yeah I'll give you all my love
it seems I had a secret I didn't know about, till the day it poured
and it seems my secret has been bulging, has been forcing its way
and it seems i have a secret that will be my final stage
and it seems i have a secret I didnt know about til the day it rained
and it's here that I'll give, yeah I'll give you all my love
and it's here that I'll give, yeah I'll give you all my love
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